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Query Results from the Astronomy/Planetary Database

Selected and retrieved 8 abstracts.

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1.000 10/1980 A      F  G                  R  C                  O  U  
Spitzer, L., Jr.; Mathieu, R. D.
Random gravitational encounters and the evolution of spherical systems. VIII - Clusters with an initial distribution of binaries

1.000 11/1975 A      F  G                  R  C                  O  U  
Spitzer, L., Jr.; Shull, J. M.
Random gravitational encounters and the evolution of spherical systems. VII - Systems with several mass groups

1.000 09/1975 A      F  G                  R  C                  O  U  
Spitzer, L., Jr.; Shull, J. M.
Random gravitational encounters and the evolution of spherical systems. VI - Plummer's model

1.000 07/1973 A      F  G                  R  C                  O  U  
Spitzer, Lyman, Jr.; Chevalier, Roger A.
Random Gravitational Encounters and the Evolution of Spherical Systems. V. Gravitational Shocks

1.000 07/1972 A      F  G                  R  C                  O  U  
Spitzer, Lyman, Jr.; Thuan, Trinh X.
Random Gravitational Encounters and the Evolution of Spherical Systems. IV Isolated Systems of Identical Stars

1.000 05/1972 A      F  G                  R  C                  O  U  
Spitzer, Lyman, Jr.; Shapiro, Stuart L.
Random Gravitational Encounters and the Evolution of Spherical Systems. III. Halo

1.000 06/1971 A      F  G                  R  C                  O  U  
Spitzer, Lyman, Jr.; Hart, Michael H.
Random Gravitational Encounters and the Evolution of Spherical Systems. II. Models

1.000 03/1971 A      F  G                  R  C                  O  U  
Spitzer, Lyman, Jr.; Hart, Michael H.
Random Gravitational Encounters and the Evolution of Spherical Systems. I. Method

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